Hutton Creative | Branding, Packaging & Website Design Agency

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Welcome to Hutton Creative Design. Based in Kilmacolm, Inverclyde, Scotland. We help companies with their marketing goals with design solutions. Creating Graphic Design, branding, advertising, digital media, video production, photography and website design.

D&AD call for entries campaign


This is a blast from the past. Years ago I was one of 6 designers from around the world selected by D&AD to promote their campaign to submit your entries for the annual competition to win the infamous yellow pencils. I was sent a wooden shelf and had to show how I would use it to put up all the awards that you may win. I decided to use other people in the office at the time showing them putting up the shelf with designer supplies, e.g. measuring with the ruler and pencil, fixing it with spray mount, etc. It was all great fun and I look back on it with a sense of pride in being chosen and also what a great laugh we all had in submiting the concept.